Cats and dogs CPR

CPR4U Services                    


HeartSaver CPR/AED Certification

This course meets the American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.  This class covers the basics of Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation, foreign body airway obstruction (Heimlich Maneuver) and use of an Automated External Defibrillator as set forth in the AHA  guidelines. 

The CPR/AED course includes live action video, animations, photographs and text. You will be taught the actual steps of using an AED or Automatic External Defibrillator.  The CD included with your book includes video demonstrations that you can replay as often as you like.  You will have enough equipment for practice to insure infection control.  CPR-4-U has been offering classes for more than 30 years to schools, day care centers, hospitals, state programs, coaches, personal trainers and anyone who is required to have a CPR/AED card or would just like to learn.  References available upon request.

Does your Company need to have someone trained in First Aid?  Do you have a First Aid Kit in your office?

OSHA CFR 1910.151 (b)
In the absence of an infirmary, clinic, or hospital in the near proximity (3 minutes) to the workplace which is used for the treatment of all injured employees, a person or persons
shall be adequately trained to render First Aid.

Heart Saver  First Aid                                                                                                         
Our First Aid course adheres to the guidelines as set forth in the American Heart Association’s "HeartSaver First Aid Course". In addition to a well-stocked First Aid Kit, the skills you will learn in this course are the most important tools that you can have.                                                  

We will discuss a number of common emergency situations and their respective First Aid responses.  You will be able to go back and review any portion of the material that you would  like on your  CD. 
We will cover the following  first aid emergencies:

Bee Stings                                        Bleeding                 Poisoning

Cardiac Arrest                                  Seizure                   Strokes

Hypo/Hyperthermia                           Heart Attacks          Shortness of Breath
Head and Brain Trauma                     Burns                     Asthma
Allergic Reactions                              Snake Bites            Fainting

Medication Administration and Epilepsy Precautions
CPR4U provides a Medication Administration training class customized with your companies Policies and Procedures which help you maintain safe operating practices in your facility. We cover the side effects, classifications and adverse reactions of medicatons. We discuss ways to make the medications go down more smoothly.  We cover medication disposal,  storage and transportation and the federal and state laws which govern these practices.  Booklets are prepared incorporating your company logo, policies,  procedures and your actual documentation forms.  Additional topics can be included: i.e. Diabetes, Pressure Ulcers, Blood Borne Pathogens and childhood illnesses.

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